Enabling Construction Works for Overseas Clients through an Escrow Account

Securing the construction supply chain against high-risk overseas employers by using a construction escrow account as security for monthly payment.
Enabling Construction Works for Overseas Clients through an Escrow Account
Specialist Escrow & Payment Services
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As property prices soar in super-prime London and the surrounding counties, we have seen a huge surge in the number of construction contracts being commissioned, particularly by sophisticated clients ('Employers') whose wealth and/or property is structured in trusts, or through offshore entities.

The risks to a Contractor of entering into a building contract with such Employers are high. On a multi-million pound contract let with industry-standard JCT payment terms, the Employer  is generally asking the Contractor to grant as much as a rolling 7-8 weeks' of credit before getting paid. On a significant construction contract, this can amount to the Contractor granting several hundred thousand pounds of credit at any one time.

In the event that the Employer cannot transfer money to the Contractor, owing to difficulties in transferring money to the UK; international sanctions, or simply a temporary lack of liquidity, such a failure can leave the Contractor extremely exposed.

The simplest solution, particularly for wealthy Employers with access to cash or who are able to borrow at reasonable rates, is for the Contractor and the Employer to agree to use a construction escrow for the project.

What is a Construction Escrow Agreement?

A Construction Escrow Agreement is, simply, an agreement that provides that the Employer will place a certain sum for the contract in escrow, held by an escrow agent for the purposes of discharging their payment obligations for the project under the construction agreement. This might take the form of a deposit of the whole Contract Sum; a deposit of a rolling 3 months of forecast valuations for the project; or simply of an arbitrary sum that the parties agree will cover the Contractor's likely exposure on the project in the event that the Employer is temporarily unable to settle their account.

How do I set a construction escrow account up?

To open an escrow to deposit security for a project is very straightforward. There is a small number of escrow agents in the UK that are well-versed in opening these for high-value works, and we are one of them.

The steps to opening an account are:

  1. Contact us for a no-obligation quote;
  2. Decide who will cover the cost (generally, it makes the most sense for the Employer to do so, so that they don't end up paying overheads and profit on the amount if they ask the Contractor to);
  3. Add our standard precedent amendment to your JCT (or ask us to let your solicitors have it), so that each party agrees that you will use an escrow;
  4. Settle the terms of the escrow agreement (our fee includes a precedent escrow agreement, tailored specifically for use in high-value construction projects with offshore/trust employers and complex requirements);
  5. Provide the necessary compliance information; and
  6. The Employer can then place the agreed amount in escrow.

In the delivery of our escrow product, we will hold the Employer's money in a segregated, ring-fenced account (segregated apart from our own operational accounts and everybody else's escrow/retentions money that we hold), and all parties and their advisors will get access to our online platform to verify the balance and any transactions made on the account.

Pitfalls to avoid in selecting an escrow agent for your super-prime construction contract

Being a high-value construction escrow company is a fairly unique proposition. For diligent parties, they will look to ensure that:

  • the escrow company understands the operation of JCT agreements (as amended by London's leading private client construction lawyers!);
  • the escrow company is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the carrying out of payment operations; and
  • the escrow company has facilities in place to ensure that the sums can be deposited in a ring-fenced, segregated account (in the UK), away from their own money.

We do, of course, meet all of those requirements. Indeed, our escrow service has specifically been developed to support those carrying out high-value works on super-prime residential contracts.

How are the fees calculated?

Managing your monthly payment cycle through an escrow account does not need to be a costly exercise. The pricing models on offer from the different providers differs:

  • some offer a fixed fee;
  • others act as 'feeders' to law firms, who charge for the negotiation of the contract but offer low-cost escrow services; and
  • others, like us, operate a flexible fee base which ties directly to the complexity of the trust/offshore structure, the cost of delivering the service, the size of the construction contract sum and the amount of funds in escrow.

Generally speaking, the cost of escrow is significantly less than of going out to the bond/insurance market (as well as being significantly easier to open) and, where the Employer contemplates multiple projects in future, we are able to offer discounts on future contracts owing to the fact that we will already have carried out the majority of our compliance checks. Find out more on our pricing page.

Does a construction escrow work for retentions?

Yes, absolutely. The return of retentions is another hot topic with big construction contracts, and something that our escrow service is well set up to support. We also offer standalone Retentions Trust Accounts (where no escrow is required for the ongoing monthly valuations, but the parties have agreed that we will receive and deposit their retentions as funds in escrow).

If the parties choose to use our escrow service for monthly valuations under the construction contract, we can (at no additional cost) also provide a Retentions Trust Account into which we will transfer the retentions each month, in order that they may be released to the Contractor as stipulated in the construction contract (generally, half at practical completion and the balance at the end of the rectification period).

How do I close my escrow account?

The account will be set up to close automatically once it is no longer required - eg, once the Contractor has been paid; the retentions have been released to the Contractor and whatever funds are still being held have been released back to the Employer.

What are the alternatives to a construction escrow account?

The primary alternatives to using an escrow account are:

  • The Employer using a UK-based entity (with a strong payment covenant) to enter into the construction contract;
  • The Employer pre-funding the works (so that the Contractor does not need to extend a large amount of credit);
  • The Employer giving a payment guarantee from a UK-based entity with a strong payment covenant (often, the UK-based entity that owns the property on which the works are being carried out);
  • The Employer securing some sort of payment guarantee bond (though, increasingly, the bondsman (if they will even grant such a bond) will insist on a cash deposit in the UK as security for their bond obligations, which means that the Employer ends up in a very similar place to if it had negotiated a low escrow sum).
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We're regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the provision of payment services.

Digital Accounts Portal

Access your account, view your transactions and documents and provide read-only access to all of your relevant stakeholders.

White-Glove Service

Your named account manager can help you manage your accounts at any time, by email, phone or WhatsApp.

High-Speed Account Opening

We can open escrow accounts in as little as a day - our systems and processes are built for speed.

Ultra-Secure Deposits

We deposit all pound sterling sums at the Bank of England, offering the lowest-risk escrow service in the United Kingdom.

Any duration, any value

We can hold funds for as little as a few hours, for many years, or even longer depending on your specific requirements.

What our clients say

Don't just take our word for it - hear from our clients who have added trust and security to their escrow and payment requirements.