Specialist Escrow & Payment Services
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Can I withdraw money from an escrow account?

Withdrawing money from an escrow account

Generally speaking, no.  An escrow arrangement is a three-way contract between the paying party (or 'principal'), the escrow agent and the receiving party. 

Conditions permitting release

Legal control of the funds sits with the escrow agent - you can't withdraw your funds unless the escrow agent decides to pay them to you.

Risk to escrow agent of illicit release

The escrow agent will not do so unless the escrow agreement permits that, because he will be at risk of being sued by the receiving party for breaching the escrow agreement.

In those circumstances, the receiving party would usually seek to recover the money that shouldn't have been paid to you from the escrow agent. 

Clarification in case of ambiguity

In case of ambiguity, most escrow agreements will allow for the escrow agent to seek legal advice before making a payment that could possibly breach the terms of the escrow agreement.

Our Escrow Accounts

We provide specialist escrow accounts, from the everyday to the exotic, adding trust and transparency to your transaction.

Our Payment Accounts

Our managed third-party payment services support regulated and unregulated clients in managing their own client funds.


We're regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the provision of payment services.

Digital Accounts Portal

Access your account, view your transactions and documents and provide read-only access to all of your relevant stakeholders.

White-Glove Service

Your named account manager can help you manage your accounts at any time, by email, phone or WhatsApp.

High-Speed Account Opening

We can open escrow accounts in as little as a day - our systems and processes are built for speed.

Ultra-Secure Deposits

We deposit all pound sterling sums at the Bank of England, offering the lowest-risk escrow service in the United Kingdom.

Any duration, any value

We can hold funds for as little as a few hours, for many years, or even longer depending on your specific requirements.

What our clients say

Don't just take our word for it - hear from our clients who have added trust and security to their escrow and payment requirements.
Escrow Accounts

UK Escrow Accounts

Private escrow accounts provide security, trust and transparency to ongoing or ad-hoc payment requirements.

Mergers & Acquisitions ('M&A') Escrow

Escrow is often used in M&A transactions to provide security for the deal and protect the parties before and after completion.
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Marine Sale & Purchase Escrow

We provide escrow services for ship and yacht sale and purchase, supporting lawyers and owners in their maritime transactions.
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Jet Card Escrow Accounts

Our jet card escrow accounts provide all of the benefits to charterers but without the insolvency risks associated with traditional jet card programmes.
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Aircraft Purchase Escrow (UK)

Acting as a trusted neutral third party for the completion of an aircraft purchase transaction, we hold the aircraft papers and the deposit.
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Construction Retentions Escrow

Retentions exist to incentivise contractors to complete the contracted Works. The idea behind them is that by agreeing to withholding some of each monthly payment, this amount of money acts as a significant carrot to complete the Works to the required standard.
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Construction Escrow

Construction Escrow accounts de-risk the construction contract for both parties and offer a lower-cost alternative to performance bonds.
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Party Wall Escrow

Party Wall Escrow Accounts provide security for neighbouring building owners while you carry out construction works.
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Third-Party Managed Accounts

Third-Party Managed Accounts (TPMA's) are a convenient way to manage complex, high-value or even routine payment operations.

Probate & Executor Accounts

Executors and lawyers collecting estate property can use our Probate & Executor Accounts to collect estate funds and hold them safely at the Bank of England.
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TPMA's for Legal Fees on Account

Third-Party Managed Accounts to handle your fees on account.
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Household PayMaster Accounts

Supporting house managers and family offices in single- and multi-residence households with outsourced payment and accounting services.
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FF&E Procurement Accounts

As many interior designers aren't regulated to carry out payment services or hold client money, our procurement accounts offer a safe, transparent alternative for large FF&E projects.
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Project Bank Accounts

Our Project Bank Accounts provide project-specific, pre-funded, ring-fenced bank accounts to protect Funders, consultants and Contractors engaged in high-value and/or long-term Works.
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dospay Escrow & Payments

Fixed-Price Escrow & Payment Schemes

We operate a number of zero-fee or fixed-price escrow and payment schemes to deliver the best value on our Bank of England escrow services.

UK Retention Deposit Scheme

We hold construction retentions, free of charge at the Bank of England for the whole supply chain.
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UK Security for Expenses Scheme

Deposit your Party Wall Security for Expenses, free of charge, at the Bank of England. As safe as houses.
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dospay Escrow & Payments


Information, guides and blogs about specialist escrow and third-party managed payment services.